Whether you are a district administrator, a principal, a teacher, or a parent, Nurture presents a set of frameworks for change that are principled, not prescriptive.
This book provides well-grounded guidance, not marching orders.
Your community knows your unique challenges; what school managers need to make good policy decisions are scientifically grounded principles that support truly nurturing classroom experiences.
The focus of Nurture is on useful solutions with both teachers and children in mind.
Bottom line: Teachers need to do (and be supported to do) what they already want to do—Nurture the children!
Achieving the necessary changes will require substantial coordinated organizational and political action. So, let's get started!
Don Berg is an alternative education researcher, practitioner, and author.
His research has been published recently in the peer-reviewed journals Other Education and The Journal Of The Experimental Analysis Of Behavior.
He has over 20 years of experience leading children in a wide variety of non-classroom settings.
His first book was entitled Attitude First: A Leadership Strategy for Educational Success.
Introduction - Don't Fret: It's Not Your Fault and We
Will Make It Better
The Larger Task
Ahead: A Cautionary Fairy Tale
Summary of Nurture:
Mending K-12
Chapter 1 - Nurture the Children: The Leverage
Point for Starting to Solve the Core Problem in K-12
Chapter 2 - Control is Educational Cholera: A New
Kind of Mapping for Nurturing is Needed
Consider The Hidden
On Right
Relationship Between Practitioners and Researchers
Chapter 3 - Mapping the Power of Participation:
Developing Nurturing Protocols
Participation Map
The New 3R's with
Associated Psychological Components Table
The Attitutor®
Participation Map
Chapter 4 - Mapping the Context of Our Power:
Developing Policies to Support Nurturing
The Moral Universe
Map: A Sacred Loop
Chapter 5 - Small-Scale Change: Schools, Districts,
and Education Management Organizations
Redesigning Schools
for Nurturing: Fauxchievement Prevention Plans©
Chapter 6 - Large-scale Change: Governments,
Cultures, and Society
Organizing for
Sustainable Change: The Schools of Conscience Network
Afterword - The Gatekeeper Story
Appendix 1 - An Inconvenient Truth: How the K-12
School System Causes Harm and What to Do About It
Controlling vs.
Autonomy Supportive Instruction from Reeve, 2009
References for
Appendix 1
Appendix 2 - Attitutor® Axioms
Holistic Education
From First Principles
Appendix 3 - The Story of School
Appendix 4 - Experience Model Proposal
Holistic Experience
Appendix 5 - A Foundation in Moral Logic- Justifying
the Central Dogma
Inconvenient Truth: Weaponized Schools
Appendix 6 - The Self-Directed Education FAQ
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You can also sign up to get the book in installments in PDF format as it's being completed. Just contact Don and ask to be included in the pre-publication readers crew.